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Column-level lineage beta

dbt Explorer now offers column-level lineage (CLL) for the resources in your dbt project. Analytics engineers can quickly and easily gain insight into the provenance of their data products at a more granular level. For each column in a resource (model, source, or snapshot) in a dbt project, Explorer provides end-to-end lineage for the data in that column given how it's used.

CLL is available to dbt Cloud Enterprise accounts that can use Explorer. It’s also available through the Discovery API.

Check out our beta

Explorer's CLL is currently available as a public beta for Enterprise plan accounts. Please check it out!

Access the column-level lineage

There is no additional setup required for CLL if your account is on an Enterprise plan that can use Explorer. You can access the CLL by expanding the column card in the Columns tab of an Explorer resource details page for a model, source, or snapshot.

dbt Cloud updates the lineage in Explorer after each run that's executed in the production environment. At least one job in the production environment must run dbt docs generate. Refer to Generating metadata for more details.

Example of the Columns tab and where to expand for the CLLExample of the Columns tab and where to expand for the CLL

Column-level lineage use cases

Learn more about why and how you can use CLL in the following sections.

Root cause analysis

When there is an unexpected breakage in a data pipeline, column-level lineage can be a valuable tool to understand the exact point where the error occurred in the pipeline. For example, a failing data test on a particular column in your dbt model might've stemmed from an untested column upstream. Using CLL can help quickly identify and fix breakages when they happen.

Impact analysis

During development, analytics engineers can use column-level lineage to understand the full scope of the impact of their proposed changes. This knowledge empowers them to create higher quality pull requests that require fewer edits, as they can anticipate and preempt issues that would've been unchecked without column-level insights.

Collaboration and efficiency

When exploring your data products, navigating column lineage allows analytics engineers and data analysts to more easily navigate and understand the origin and usage of their data, enabling them to make better decisions with higher confidence.


Following are the CLL caveats/limitations.

SQL parsing

Column-level lineage relies on SQL parsing. Errors can occur when parsing fails or a column's origin is unknown (like with JSON unpacking, lateral joins, and so on). In these cases, lineage may be incomplete and dbt Cloud will provide a warning about it in the column lineage.

Example of warning in the full lineage graphExample of warning in the full lineage graph

To review the error details:

  1. Click the Expand icon in the upper right corner to open the column's lineage graph
  2. Select the node to open the column’s details panel

Possible error cases are:

  • Parsing error Error occurs when the SQL is ambiguous or too complex for parsing. An example of ambiguous parsing scenarios are complex lateral joins.
  • Python error Error occurs when a Python model is used within the lineage. Due to the nature of Python models, it's not possible to parse and determine the lineage.
  • Unknown error Error occurs when the lineage can't be determined for an unknown reason. An example of this would be if a dbt best practice is not being followed, like using hardcoded table names instead of ref statements.

Data platform support

CLL in dbt Cloud works with the following data platforms:

  • Snowflake
  • BigQuery
  • Redshift
  • Databricks (Unity Catalog)

The following adapters aren't currently supported by CLL in dbt Cloud. More of these platforms will be supported in the future.

  • Hive metastore version of Databricks
  • Apache Spark
  • Starburst/Trino
  • Microsoft Fabric